Infectious Diseases

Approach to Pediatric Rashes

This podcast presents an approach to the classification and diagnosis of rashes in children. This podcast was written by Dr. Peter Gill and  Dr. Irene Lara-Corrales. Dr. Gill is pediatric resident at the University of Toronto. Dr. Lara-Corrales is a a pediatric dermatologist at The Hospital for Sick Children and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto.

International Adoption

This podcast presents an overview to the international adoption process. Particularly, we discuss some key points in the pre and post adoption consultation visit as well as some key issues to be aware of for long term follow-up. This podcast was written by Jenny Shi and Dr. Cecilia Baxter. Jenny is a medical student at the Univeristy of Alberta. Dr.Baxter is a pediatrician at the Edmonton Adoption Clinic at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. 

Acute Cough

This episode covers an approach to the acute cough. This podcast covers the common & emergent causes, key history questions & physical findings, investigations, and management of the acute cough. This episode was written by Mark McKinney and Dr. Melanie Lewis. Mark is a medical student at the University of Alberta. Dr. Lewis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Associate Dean of Learner Advocacy & Wellness at the University of Alberta, and the Medical Director of the Down syndrome Medical Clinic in Edmonton, Alberta. 


This podcast gives medical students an approach to pertussis, also known as whooping cough. We’ll describe the clinical presentation and stages of the infection, build an approach to diagnosis and choice of antimicrobial therapy, and discuss the benefits of pertussis immunization. This podcast was written by Haran Yogasundaram and Dr. Sarah Forgie. Haran is a medical student at the University of Alberta. Dr. Sarah Fogie is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the Stollery Children’s Hospital and University of Alberta.

Fever Without a Focus (<3 Months)

This podcast gives students an approach to the evaluation and management of fever without a focus in children younger than three months of age.  This podcast was written by Peter MacPherson and  Dr. Sarah Forgie. Peter is a medical student at the University of Alberta. Dr. Forgie is a Pediatric Infectious Diseases specialist at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta. 
