News Archive

Medical Student Essentials

There is so much to learn in pediatrics that it can be hard to decide where to start! With many medical students learning from home right now, we have compiled this list of podcasts that cover the core objectives of the canus-paeds curriculum from the Pediatric Undergraduate Program Directors of Canada. These podcasts are full of clinical pearls that are sure to come up on exams:

Pediatric Basics

3 Million Downloads!

PedsCases has passed a major milestone with over 3 million podcast downloads! Thank you to the ongoing support of our volunteers in creating amazing podcasts to support the learning of medical students, residents and practicing physicians all over the world. We're not slowing down yet, so stayed tuned for more great content.

2 Million Downloads!

PedsCases recently passed 2 million podcast downloads.  We are so excited about this milestone. Thank you to all of our listeners and volunteers for their continued support.

In the next few months we have an exciting line-up of topics covering Pediatric Cardiology, Critical Care, Palliative Care, and Pediatric Pulmonology. Stay tuned!

New Year, New Interface!

The PedsCases website has an updated interface with improved search functionality, and new filters to easily help you find the content you are looking for. Try it out by clicking on the new "Content" tab. Big thanks to our web designer, John Rogerson who worked hard to develop these new features.

One Hundred Podcasts!

Today marks the release of our 100th podcast.  This podcast on Febrile Neutropenia was developed by Chris Novak, part of the PedsCases leadership team, along with regular contributor Dr. Bev Wilson from the Stollery Children's Hospital.  We would like to thank the dozens of medical students, residents, and staff physicians who have contributed and volunteered their time to PedsCases over the years as well as all of the listeners who have supported the podcast.
