Pediatric Education Online

All PedsCases content undergoes a rigorous peer review process. Our peer review team includes staff pediatricians and senior pediatric residents with significant experience in developing educational resources. All submissions are reviewed by a member of the peer review team to help ensure accuracy and quality, and provide suggested revisions. Only once a submission is revised to meet the peer review teams standards, then it can be accepted for publication.
Review #1: Completed by the preceptor (i.e. staff physician with expertise in the content area) that the student has selected.
Review #2: Completed by a senior member of the PedsCases team (Drs. Lewis, Gill, Forbes, Novak, Shapka, Padda, Poon, Jensen, and Bhatla).
Review #3+: Completed by both the preceptor and the PedsCases senior members if needed.
Starting in August 2023, we have enhanced our peer review process by using a standardized quality metric. The Revised Medical Education Translational Resources: Impact and Quality (rMETRIQ) score was developed through a rigorous consensus building process by experts in free open-access medical education (see below). Our team will trial using the rMETRIQ when reviewing PedsCases Podcasts and will suggest revisions based on the score.