Ear Nose Throat

Approach to Foreign Bodies in Children

This podcast will discuss an Approach to Foreign Bodies in Children. The podcast was created by Mikaela Antaya, a third-year medical student at the University of Alberta. This podcast was created with Dr. Matthew Carroll, a pediatric gastroenterologist at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton Alberta This PedsCases podcast focuses on an approach to the diagnosis and management of foreign bodies in pediatrics

There are no conflicts of interest to disclose by the authors.

Evaluation of Stridor - UPDATED

This podcast will give you an updated approach to the evaluation of stridor. In this episode, listeners will 1) define stridor and the pathophysiology causing stridor, 2) create a differential diagnosis based on a patient’s presenting signs and symptoms, 3) differentiate benign causes of stridor from those that are life-threatening, 4) describe common pathogens involved in infectious etiologies of stridor, and 5) outline a basic management plan for a patient with stridor based on the differential diagnoses and investigative findings.

Acute Rhinosinusitis (ARS)

This PedsCases note provides a one-page overview of acute rhinosinusitis, including its etiology, presentation, complications, diagnosis and management. It was created by Divya Goel, a medical student at the University of Alberta with the help of Dr. André Isaac, a Pediatric Otolaryngologist at the University of Alberta.

Click the image below for a full-screen PDF

Cleft Lip and Palate

This PedsCases note provides a one-page overview on cleft lip and palate and its embryology, etiology, diagnosis, investigations, pathophysiology and management. It was created by Emma Yanko, a medical student at the University of Saskatchewan with the help of Dr. Craig Gendron, a pediatric plastic surgeon at the University of Saskatchewan. 

Click the image for a full-screen handout. 

Approach to Deep Neck Infections

This podcast provides an overview of deep neck infections with a focus on the 3 most common deep neck infections: peritonsillar abscess, retropharyngeal abscess and parapharyngeal infections. It provides an approach to describing the relevant anatomy and pathophysiology of deep neck infections, recognizing the typical clinical presentation of deep neck infections, and explaining the initial steps of diagnosis and management of deep neck infections. Created by Owen Sieben, fourth-year medical student at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Hamdy El-Hakim, a pediatric otolaryngologist. 

Orofacial Clefts

This podcast provides an approach to identification of the different types of cleft malformations, outlines the management of orofacial clefts and timing of surgical repair and discusses the genetic syndromes, sequences and associations linked with cleft lip and palate.  It was developed by Julie Le, a first year Family Medicine resident at Queen’s University with the help of Dr. Regan Guilfoyle, a pediatric plastic surgeon at the University of Alberta.

Acute Otitis Media

This PedsCases Note provides a handy infographic on Acute Otitis Media. It outlines the steps to recognize, diagnose, and manage a child who presents with AOM, including common antibiotic choices and dosage. It was created by Joanna Yuen and Sahar Saleem, both medical students at the University of Alberta, with the help of Dr. Michael Prodnauk and Dr. Joan Robinson.

"Click on the image below for the full-screen PDF handout."

Approach to Pediatric Neck Masses

Through a case study, this podcast will go over the presentation and causes of congenital and acquired neck masses, as well as the approach to diagnosis and management of pediatric neck masses. This podcast was developed by Asa Rahimi, a fourth-year medical student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, with the help of Dr. Frederick Kozak, a pediatric otolaryngologist, clinical professor, and post graduate education program director of the UBC Division of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery.

Otite Moyenne Aigüe - CPS Podcast

Cette baladodiffusion a été produite par PedsCases et la Société canadienne de pédiatrie. Elle résume le document de principes sur "La prise en charge de l’otite moyenne aiguë chez les enfants de six mois et plus" publié en 2016. Cette baladodiffusion a été enregistrée par Jade Chénard-Roy, étudiante de 4e année en médecine à l’Université Laval, Dre Nicole Le Saux, une infectiologue pédiatre à l’Université d’Ottawa, et Dre Joan L Robinson, une infectiologue pédiatre et associée à l’Université d’Alberta.
