Pediatric Elbow Radiographs

Pediatric Elbow Radiographs

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page infographic on Pediatric Elbow Radiographs. It was created by Timber Gillis, a medical student at the University of Alberta, with the help of Dr. Michelle Noga, Professor of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Alberta.

Click the image below for a full-screen PDF handout.

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  1. Iyer RS, Thapa MM, Khanna PC, Chew FS. Pediatric bone imaging: Imaging elbow trauma in children - A review of acute and chronic injuries. Am J Roentegenol; 2012; 198(5): 1053-1068. PMID: 22528894
PDF icon 1. TimberGillis_pedselbow.pdf877.82 KB
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