Pediatric Basics

Managing Pain and Distress in Children Undergoing Brief Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures - CPS Podcast

This podcast covers the new CPS Position Statement “Managing Pain and Distress in Children Undergoing Brief Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures” co-authored by Dres Evelyne Trottier, Marie-Joelle Doré-Bergeron, Laurel Chauvin-Kimoff, Krista Baerg and Samina Ali. The podcast was created by Dr. Anastasia Zello, a second-year pediatrics resident at the University of Alberta in collaboration with Dr. Evelyne Trottier, pediatric emergency physician at the CHU Sainte-Justine and assistant clinical professor at l’Universite de Montreal in Montreal, Quebec, as well as Dr.

Consoling and Bundling Newborns

This video will review techniques on consoling and bundling infants. It was developed by Cary Ma, a medical student at the University of Alberta, in collaboration with Shirley Guan, a medical student from the University of British Columbia, and Dr. Forbes, a pediatric hospitalist, associate professor and pediatric clerkship director at the University of Alberta and Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Transgender Health: Tips for Inclusive Care

This podcast on transgender health brings in personal stories and experiences and provides tips for inclusive care.  This podcast was developed by L.A. Jennings, Jenn Bhatla, a medical student at the University of Alberta, Dr. Simone Lebeuf, a pediatrician and an adolescent medicine fellow at Sick Kids, and Dr. Jorge Pinzon, an adolescent medicine pediatrician at the Alberta Children’s Hospital.

Gender Dysphoria

This podcast covers gender dysphoria in adolescents and general principles of care for transgender youth. This podcast was developed by Dr. Ashlee Yang, a pediatrics resident physician at CHEO in Ottawa, Dr. Stephen Feder and Dr Amy Robinson from Adolescent Medicine at CHEO and Dr. Karine Khatchadourian from Pediatric Endocrinology at CHEO, and Dr. Melanie Lewis from General Pediatrics at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton. 

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

This podcast presents an approach to management of diabetic ketoacidosis in children. In this episode, listeners will learn signs and symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and the differential diagnosis for triggers of diabetic ketoacidosis. This podcast was created by Dr. Carly Rumley, a resident doctor at the University of Alberta and Dr. Jessica Foulds, a pediatrician and clinician educator at the Stollery Children's Hospital and the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

The Pediatric Eye Exam in Primary Care

This podcast covers the pediatric eye exam in primary care, including vision developmental milestones, how to perform a focused history and age appropriate eye exam, signs and symptoms of eye conditions, and when to refer to a pediatric ophthalmologist. This podcast was developed by Jennifer Ling, a medical student at the University of British Columbia, Harry Liu, a medical student at the University of Alberta and Dr. Ian MacDonald, an ophthalmologist and professor at the University of Alberta.

The Pediatric Eye Exam in Primary Care

This video covers the pediatric eye exam in primary care, including vision developmental milestones, how to perform a focused history and age appropriate eye exam, signs and symptoms of eye conditions, and when to refer to a pediatric ophthalmologist. This video was developed by Jennifer Ling, a medical student at the University of British Columbia, Harry Liu, a medical student at the University of Alberta and Dr. Ian MacDonald, an ophthalmologist and professor at the University of Alberta.

The Medical Assessment of Fractures in Suspected Child Maltreatment: Infants and Young Children with Skeletal Injury - CPS Podcast

This podcast reviews the CPS practice point on the medical assessment of fractures in suspected child maltreatment: infants and young children with skeletal injury.  This podcast was developed by Dr. Dominique Piché, a third year paediatric resident at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, NS, Dr. Laurel Chauvin-Kimoff, a staff paediatrician specializing in child maltreatment at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, Dr. Claire Allard-Dansereau of l’Hopital Ste Justine and Dr. Margaret Colbourne of BC Children’s Hospital.

Approach to Chronic Diarrhea

This podcast is part 2 the two part series on an approach to the diagnosis and management of diarrhea in children. This episode provides an approach to chronic diarrhea and the development of a differential diagnosis. This podcast was developed by Katie Girgulis a medical student at the University of Alberta, Dr. Chris Novak, a pediatric resident at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Karen Forbes, a pediatrician and medical educator at the Stollery Children’s Hospital

Pediatric Vital Signs Reference Chart

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page infographic on Pediatric Vital Signs and covers the age-based variation in normal ranges for vital signs throughout the pediatric population. It was created by Dr. Chris Novak, a pediatric resident at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Peter Gill, a staff pediatrician at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada.

Click on the image below for the full-screen PDF handout.
