Pediatric Basics

Family Centered Care

This podcast will discuss Family Centered care. This podcast was created by Rachel Goren, a fourth year medical student at Queens University in Kingston Ontario with Dr. Eyal Cohen, Staff Pediatrician at the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto. This PedsCases podcast focuses on giving medical students an understanding and approach to family centred care

Toddler's Diarrhea

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page infographic on Toddler's Diarrhea. Toddler's diarrhea is characertized as benign chornic diarrhea in a well appearing toddler. It was created by Julia Craig with the help of Dr. Carrie Lewis

Routine Childhood Immunizations

This PedsCases note provides a 2-page overview on childhood immunizations! It includes administration tips and tricks, common caregiver concerns, counselling advice and the national recommended immunization schedule. It was created by Lize-Mari Du Toit, a medical student at the University of Alberta with the help of Dr. Karen Forbes, pediatrician at the University of Alberta.

Click the image below for a full-screen PDF!

CPS Position Statement on an Affirming Approach to Caring for Transgender and Gender-diverse Youth: Part 2

This podcast will discuss the CPS Position Statement on an Affirming Approach to Caring for Transgender and Gender-diverse Youth: Part 2. In this episode, listeners will 1) discuss the use of hormone blocking therapy in gender diverse youth, 2) discuss gender affirming hormones, 3) briefly discuss gender affirming surgery options, and 4) apply your knowledge to a clinical case! The podcast was created by Annaliese Beck-McKenzie, a fourth-year medical student at the University of British Columbia, with the guidance of Dr.

CPS Position Statement on An Affirming Approach to Caring for Transgender and Gender-diverse Youth: Part 1

This podcast will discuss the CPS Position Statement on An Affirming Approach to Caring for Transgender and Gender-diverse Youth: Part 1. The podcast was created by Annaliese Beck-McKenzie, a fourth-year medical student at the University of British Columbia. This podcast was created with the guidance of Dr. Ashley Vandermorris, Staff Physician in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at the University of Toronto SickKids hospital. This PedsCases podcast focuses on important terminology, gender identity development, assessment of gender diverse youth, and diagnosis of gender dysphoria

Pediatric Prescription Writing

This PedsCases note serves as a one-page guide to pediatric prescription writing. It was created by Dr. Katharine Jensen, a PGY-3 at the University of Alberta and Dr. Karen Forbes, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta. 

Click the image below for a full-page handout

Pediatric Admission Orders

This PedsCases note serves as a one-page guide to writing pediatric admission orders. It was created by Dr. Katharine Jensen, a PGY-3 at the University of Alberta and Dr. Karen Forbes, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta. 

Click the image below for a full-page handout

Read, Speak, Sing: Promoting Early Literacy in a Healthcare Setting

This PedsCases Podcast aims to summarize the recent 2021 Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) statement written by Dr. Shaw on promoting early literacy in the healthcare setting. This podcast was created by Emily Cheung, a first-year medical student at McMaster University with the help of Dr. Mel Lewis, a pediatrician in Edmonton, in conjunction with PedsCases and the CPS.

CPS Position Statement on PedsCases Resources

This PedsCases note provides the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) position statement regarding the top 10 PedsCases notes that may be useful for medical students as well as some helpful PedsCases podcasts on clinical approaches and key conditions.

Click the image below for the full 8-page handout with links to the resources! 
