
Approach to Leukocoria

This video is designed to give medical students an organized approach to the physical exam finding of leukocoria, or an abnormal red reflex in children. Objectives of this podcast include reviewing the anatomy of the eye, developing an approach to the examination of the red reflex, reviewing the differential diagnosis of leukocoria and discussing the management and referral process in a child with leukocoria. This podcast was developed by Dr. Chris Novak, a pediatric resident at the University of Alberta with the help of Dr.

Approach to Leukocoria (Audio)

This video is designed to give medical students an organized approach to the physical exam finding of leukocoria, or an abnormal red reflex in children. Objectives of this podcast include reviewing the anatomy of the eye, developing an approach to the examination of the red reflex, reviewing the differential diagnosis of leukocoria and discussing the management and referral process in a child with leukocoria. This podcast was developed by Dr. Chris Novak, a pediatric resident at the University of Alberta with the help of Dr.

Apgar Scoring System

This episode describes how to assess the status of a newborn using the Apgar scoring system and some of the basic interventions that can be done to assist with ventolation. This podcast was written by Brieanne Rogers and Dr. Chloe Joynt. Brieanne is a medical student at the University of Alberta. Dr. Joynt is a neonatologist at the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. 

Neonatal Extracranial Head Injuries

This episode outlines the risk factors for neonatal extracranial head injuries, classifies the major types of these injuries, and discusses their management and prognosis. This podcast was written by Nadia Moledina and Dr. Chloe Joynt. Nadia is a medical student at the University of Alberta. Dr. Joynt is a neonatologist at the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta.
