Social Pediatrics

Healthy Childhood Development Through Outdoor Risky Play - CPS Podcast

This podcast will discuss the CPS statement on Healthy Childhood Development Through Outdoor Risky Play. The podcast was created by Emily Cheung, a third-year medical student at McMaster University. This podcast was created with Dr. Emilie Beaulieu, a pediatrician in Quebec City. This PedsCases podcast focuses on the role of outdoor risky play in children’s health and development, emphasizing its value in preventing and managing common issues like obesity, anxiety, and behavioral problems.

Vaping in Teens - CPS Podcast

This CPS Podcast will present an introduction to vaping, explain how to approach the topic with adolescents in the clinic, and provide some brief information about treatment for problematic usage. The podcast was created by Kaylee Novack, a medical school graduate and current master’s student at the University of Montreal and Dr. Chadi, a clinical assistant professor in the department of Pediatrics at the University of Montreal and a clinician-scientist specialized in adolescent and addiction medicine working at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center for children.

Screen Time in Young Children - CPS Podcast

In this CPS podcast, the listener will learn about the benefits and risks of screen media in children under the age of 5, the evidence based guidelines on early media experiences , and an approach on how to implement these guidelines. This podcast was created by Mattea Lee, a second-year medical student at the University of Calgary, with the help of Dr. Ponti, chair of the CPS Pediatric Digital Task Force, and Dr. Jackman, a pediatrician at the Alberta Children's Hospital.

COVID-19 Vaccines

This podcast discusses vaccines against COVID-19 as they pertain to pediatric patients. The podcast provides background information on vaccine development and types of vaccines, then answers many common questions about vaccines via an interview with Dr. Joan Robinson, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. The podcast was developed by Dr.  Gauri Shah, a pediatrician who completed a fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases at the University of Alberta. Its development was supported by Dr. Robinson.

Medical Evaluation of Bruising - CPS Podcast

This podcast is a review of the Canadian Pediatric Society's position statement on bruising in infants and children. In this episode, learners will learn the differential diagnosis and key investigations for bruising, as well as recognize a health professional's obligation to report injuries concerning for child abuse to the appropriate child welfare authority. This podcast was developed by Josie Cipolla, a third year medical student at McGill University, in collaboration with the lead author of this CPS statement, Dr.

Female Genital Cutting

This podcast presents an overview of female genital cutting, or FGC, from a pediatrics perspective. In it, the listener will learn to discuss what FGC is, where and why it is performed, the complications of FGC, how FGC is addressed in Canadian law, an approach to discussing FGC with patients and their families, and an approach to a pelvic exam in a child who has been cut. The podcast was developed by Dora Gyenes, a medical student at the University of Alberta, with support from Dr. Cathy Flood, a urogynecologist at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

Housing Need in Canada: Healthy Lives Start at Home - CPS Podcast

This podcast is a review of the Canadian Pediatric Society's position statement on housing need in Canada. In it, the listener will learn to define types of housing need in Canada, to understand the health impacts of housing need, to assess housing status in the clinical setting, and to discuss how pediatricians, residents, and medical students can advocate for the housing needs of their patients. This podcast was created by Orianna Mak, a fourth-year medical student at McMaster University, and Dr. Nina Mazze, a pediatric resident at McMaster University, in collaboration with Dr.

Le counseling auprès des adolescents et des parents au sujet du cannabis: une introduction pour les professionnels de la santé – Baladodiffusion SCP

Ce podcast révisera le point de pratique de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie intitulé: Le counseling auprès des adolescents et des parents au sujet du cannabis : une introduction pour les professionnels de la santé, publié en juin 2020. Ce podcast a été créé par Olivia Lemire, étudiante en médecine de 3e année à l’Université d’Ottawa, et Dr Richard E Bélanger, Professeur agrégé, médecin de l’adolescence et pédiatre au Centre mère-enfant Soleil du CHU de Québec - Université Laval.

Counselling adolescents and parents about cannabis: A primer for health professionals – CPS Podcast

This podcast reviews the recent CPS practice point on “Counselling adolescents and parents about cannabis: A primer for health professionals” published in June 2020. The podcast was developed by Dr. Jen Mooney, a pediatric resident at Memorial University, in collaboration with the co-authors of this CPS statement, Dr. Christina Grant (McMaster’s Children Hospital) and Dr. Richard Bélanger (Laval University).
