Fever and sore throat in a 3 year old male

Question 1 of 10

You are completing your Pediatrics rotation and are working in the pediatric emergency department for the night. At 4:00 PM, your preceptor asks you to see Austin, a 3 year old male who has presented with a fever and sore throat. As you enter the room you notice that Austin is awake and alert, and being held by his father. His father indicates to you that Austin was active last evening and this morning, however he began to decrease the amount of playing he normally does this afternoon. His sore throat began approximately 45 minutes ago, and concerned his father as he was crying due to the pain. Austin’s father also noticed that he felt warm at that time, and measured a temperature of 38.1°C. Which of the following options should be obtained on history?

Travel history

Sick contacts

Preceding rhinorrhea and sneezing 

How long the fever has been present 

Weight loss 

Change in bowel habits 

Change in eating habits 


Gestational and delivery history 

Previous illnesses