Limp/Extremity Pain

Muscular Dystrophy

This podcast will discuss the topic of gross motor delay and muscular dystrophy in children, and was created by medical student Brittany Lissinna, in collaboration with Dr. Lyn Sonnenberg, a Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician with the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital and the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Approach to Acute Ataxia

This podcast will cover an approach to the differential diagnosis, history, physical exam, and management of common causes of acute ataxia. It was developed by Dr. Aran Yukseloglu, a pediatric resident at the University of Alberta, in collaboration with Dr. Francois Jacob, a pediatric neurologist at the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, AB.

Acute Osteoarticular Infections – CPS Podcast

This podcast aims to summarize the recently published CPS statement on the diagnosis and management of acute osteoarticular infections in children. This podcast was developed by Anupreet Rai, Dr. Matthew Magyar a resident undergoing subspecialty training in Paediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Ottawa, under the guidance of Dr. Nicole Le Saux, a Paediatric Infectious Diseases specialist and Professor at the University of Ottawa, and lead author of the CPS statement.

Juvenile Dermatomyositis

This podcast presents an approach to juvenile dermatomyositis. This podcast will review history, physical exam, key investigations, treatment, and prognosis for a child presenting with juvenile dermatomyositis. This podcast was developed by Josh Koegler, a third year medical student at the University of Alberta working with Dr. Dax Rumsey, a Paediatric Rheumatologist at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta.

Septic Arthritis (Part 2)

This is the second episode in a two part series discussing septic arthritis as an acute monoarthritis presentation in children. In this podcast, listeners will learn about the key investigations, treatment, and prognosis for septic arthritis. The series was developed by Dr. Brieanne Rogers, in collaboration with Dr. Janet Ellsworth, Dr. Sukhdeep Dulai, and Dr. Peter Gill. Dr. Rogers is a pediatric resident Alberta Children's Hospital at the University of Calgary. Dr. Ellsworth is a Pediatric Rheumatologist and Dr.

Septic Arthritis (Part 1)

This is the first episode in a two part series discussing septic arthritis as an acute monoarthritis presentation in children. In this podcast, listeners will learn about the differential diagnosis for acute monoarthritis, as well as and key considerations for history, physical examination, and investigation. The series was developed by Dr. Brieanne Rogers, in collaboration with Dr. Janet Ellsworth, Dr. Sukhdeep Dulai, and Dr. Peter Gill. Dr. Rogers is a pediatric resident Alberta Children's Hospital at the University of Calgary. Dr. Ellsworth is a Pediatric Rheumatologist and Dr.

Approach to Acute Leukemia in Children

This episode presents an approach to acute leukemia in children. Listeners will learn about the epidemiology, etiology, and pathogenesis of acute leukemia. Listeners will also develop an approach to the clinical presentation and initial management of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This podcast was developed by Amarjot Padda in collaboration with Dr. Bev Wilson, a Pediatric Oncologist at the Stollery Children’s Hospital. 

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

This podcast is an introduction to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. The objectives include recognize the signs and symptoms suggestive of SLE, list the 11 classification criteria for SLE, elicit a focused history, demonstrate a pertinent physical exam, and discuss investigations and management for patient with SLE. This podcast was developed by Tara McGrath a pediatrics resident at the University of Alberta with the help of Dr. Dax Rumsey a Pediatric Rheumatologist at the University of Alberta. 

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

This podcast presents an approach to the diagnosis and management of the different subtypes of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. This podcast was written by Brieanne Rogers and Dr. Janet Ellsworth. Brieanne is a senior medical student at the University of Alberta. Dr. Ellsworth is a Pediatric Rheumatologist and Professor of Pediatrics at the Stollery Children’s Hospital and University of Alberta.
